News, Articles, & Updates from different perspectives.

Middle School Age and Stage Meeting

Ali Danch, our Director of Pastoral Care, School Counselor, and Parent Education Coordinator, talks about our recent and upcoming Age & Stage meetings.

KFI Conference in India

Last month, our Dean of Studies, Will Hornblower, embarked on a trip to India to attend the annual Krishnamurti Schools Teaching Conference in Chennai. Here’s what he found there.

Third Graders make Acorn Pancakes

As part of their recent social studies project, learning about the Chumash people of this area, our third grade students made acorn pancakes with former Oak Grove Director, teacher, and current Board member Karen Hesli.

Annual Fundraising Tea Video

Watch the full Annual Fundraising Tea event including a musical performance and speakers, all reflecting on our theme for the year.

Lizard Talk with Emily Scibetta

During her Lizard Talk, Emily shared her professional journey in medicine with our high school students and faculty.

Theme Video: The Wholeness of Responsibility

Each year, a guiding theme for the year is chosen. This theme provides opportunities, throughout the year, for our entire school community to reflect on a specific topic of discussion.

DEIB Committee

Oak Grove’s committee for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) met in early October to welcome new members and shape our hopes for this school year.

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