Above: 7th grade student working with their Kindergarten buddy.
March 2024

A Message from

The Head of School

A teacher shared, “We see each of our children here. We are committed to creating a feeling of belonging for each child. Yet for a child to have a strong sense of belonging that child must see themself reflected in the environment – people who look like them, who celebrate the same cultural events, and people who eat similar foods. Although we integrate these reflections deeply throughout the curriculum, this is an area of growth for Oak Grove.”
Yesterday, during our Wednesday staff and faculty meeting, we participated in a World Cafe Inquiry. Using this year’s theme, The Wholeness of Responsibility, as our anchor, we explored our individual and collective responsibility for social justice within the school and in our larger world. Krishnamurti spoke about how when you understand that you are the other, you understand your responsibility to that other.

Our questions included: How, when, where, and with whom is social justice most meaningfully experienced at Oak Grove? Where is it most needed? How does this relate to the personal experience of exclusion? What actions prevent inclusion? What actions lead to inclusion in a meaningful and sustainable way?

This inquiry was facilitated by Nusa Maal, founder of Sense Smart, who “recorded” the inquiry by creating two mind map artifacts. These mind maps will be on display in Main House during our upcoming Theme Weeks, April 8-19.

“You are responsible for the whole of mankind, not for yourself as a separate human being, which is a psychological illusion. As the representative of the whole human race, your response is whole, not partial. So responsibility has a totally different meaning. One has to learn the art of this responsibility. If one grasps fully the significance of the fact that psychologically one is the world, then responsibility becomes overpowering love. Then one will care for the child, not just at a tender age, but will see that he understands the significance of responsibility throughout his life. This art includes behaviour, the ways of one's thinking and the importance of correct action. In these schools of ours, responsibility to the earth, to nature and to each other is part of our education, not merely emphasis on academic subjects, though they are necessary.”
— Krishnamurti

Our Annual

Spring Appeal

Thank you for supporting Oak Grove School

2024 Senior Trip

India Sharing

Each year, our high school seniors embark on a three-week trip to India. This trip is the culmination of their outdoor education at Oak Grove School, which starts in early childhood with a night’s camp-out on campus with teachers and parents, and builds over the years as students gradually travel further away on increasingly more challenging journeys.


Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins 2024
After months of rehearsals and countless hours put in by the Oak Grove Theater Team, student performers, crew members, and parent volunteers, the curtain was finally raised on four rousing performances of Mary Poppins.

Save the Date!

May Gathering

The 2024 Annual May Gathering is approaching. Tap below to learn more about this free event. Lunch pre-ordering opening soon.

Honor Bands

Join us for a musical performance by the Oak Grove High School & Middle School Honor Bands on April 19 at Underground Exchange.

70's Flashback

Unplug Day

Unplug Day is an opportunity for us to demonstrate unplugging for our students and challenge ourselves to focus more on the present moment. This year, we celebrated our Unplug Day by dressing in our theme of the 1970s – a time when much of our current technology was not yet available. There were bell bottoms, oversized sunglasses, and flower power galore.

High School

Controversial Speeches

The 11th grade “Controversial Speech” is a capstone project in our High School. Students are tasked with studying rhetoric, analyzing historical speeches, drafting persuasive arguments, and researching opposing material. The culmination of their efforts is to take a definitive stance on a controversial topic (which may differ from their own view on the matter) and present their speech to a community of peers.

High School

Lizard Talks

Lizard Talks take place throughout the year and are an opportunity for professional adults, from within and without our school community, to share their expertise with high school students. This Spring has featured several Lizard Talks on the subject of meditation and consciousness, video game design, and better understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, gender, and sexuality.

From the Oak Grove Kitchen


Download this delicious Alfajores recipe from the Oak Grove Kitchen, inspired by high school Culture Day.


Photo Highlights

Enjoy a photo gallery of recent moments on campus, as well as an archive of older photos.


K Quote

To seek fulfilment is to invite frustration. There is no fulfilment of the self, but only the strengthening of the self through possessing what it craves for. Possession, at whatever level, makes the self feel potent, rich, active, and this sensation is called fulfilment; but as with all sensations, it soon fades, to be replaced by yet another gratification."

J. Krishnamurti
See this quote in context: K Discussion/Dialogue

Socially Speaking

A recent Instagram post —

Fun, informative, and delicious Pi Day - 7th Grade Expo.

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