Career Night

“It is the responsibility of the teachers, of the principal, to help you to be intelligent, unafraid, so that you can find your true vocation, your own way of life, the way you really want to live and earn your livelihood.” – J. Krishnamurti, Life Ahead, Chapter 7

Every day, our students grow toward a better understanding of themselves and who they wish to become by learning from each other and their teachers. Here at Oak Grove, community members also play a pivotal role as mentors and role models in our students’ educational foundation.

This year’s Career Night group of experts included a hairstylist, fashion designer, actor, business executive, attorney, medical professional, several entrepreneurs, and many more.

Before attending Career Night, our middle school and high school students completed online surveys from the Department of Labor. Their individual results suggested possible career options based on their personal interests and skills, which helped students to visualize their life in that field. Our high school students decided to go one step further by analyzing the relationship between society’s professions and gender biases.

The main event at the High School Student Center was generously catered with refreshments and sweet treats from our kitchen, and delicious burritos courtesy of Parent Council. The room was buzzing with conversation as students arrived and, with their clipboards in hand, began making their way around the room. Our students spoke directly with current professionals, asking them about how they began their careers and receiving in-depth responses on how to tackle the real-world problems of today. By playing make-believe in real-life roles during this unique, interactive, and dynamic learning experience, this year’s Career Night nurtured exploration by young minds.

All of us at Oak Grove continue to cherish the precious moments when we can find new ways to support our students and cultivate deeper connections within our community. Whether it be opening a door for someone or providing exposure to opportunities that might align with their passions, Oak Grove School is dedicated to offer each of our students with the necessary tools to discover their true vocation.

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