The School’s Founder, J. Krishnamurti

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) is regarded globally as one of the greatest thinkers and educators of all time.

He did not expound any philosophy or religion, but rather talked of the things that concern all of us in our everyday lives, of the problems of living in modern society with its violence and corruption, of the individual’s search for security and happiness, and the need for mankind to free itself from inner burdens of fear, anger, hurt, and sorrow. He explained with great precision the subtle workings of the human mind, and pointed to the need for bringing to our daily life a deeply meditative and spiritual quality.

Krishnamurti had a passion for inquiry and the pursuit of truth. His numerous books explore the nature of human consciousness and the possibility of its transformation through inquiry and insight. Krishnamurti engaged in dialogue with many modern thinkers, commentators, politicians, and scientists, including Aldous Huxley, Iris Murdoch, Ivan Illich, Bernard Levin, Indira Gandhi, and David Bohm.

Visit the Krishnamurti Bookstore to order books, audio, video, and more. The following books on education are recommended reading for parents whose children attend Oak Grove School:

  • Education and the Significance of Life
  • Letters to the Schools – Volume I
  • Letters to the Schools – Volume II
  • Beginnings of Learning
  • Krishnamurti on Education
  • Life Ahead
Below are additional text and video links on the intent of the school:

Letters to the Schools – Vol. 1 (1978-1980)

Letters to the Schools – Vol. 2 (1981-1983)

Letters to the Schools – Previously unpublished

Discussion with students at Rishi Valley School, December 18, 1984

Krishnamurti On Education – Talks and discussions held in India by J. Krishnamurti with the students and teachers of schools at Rishi Valley School in Andhra Pradesh and Rajghat School in Varanasi.

Because one of his primary concerns was “right education,” Krishnamurti founded Oak Grove School in 1975. The intent of the Oak Grove School is for students to develop the intellectual capacity and skills necessary to function with excellence in society, and at the same time to develop a foundation for inquiry into perennial questions of human life. Consistent with the views of its founder, the school does not subscribe to any creed or ideology. Rather, it assists students in the open-minded investigation of enduring human issues. Krishnamurti maintained that if young people learn to see how they are conditioned by race, nationality, religion, tradition, and beliefs, they will discover for themselves how to be fully intelligent human beings.

Education and Conditioning – Public Discussion 3 Ojai, California, USA – 12 April 1977

We are going to talk over together – as usual together – about education, this morning, but before we do that I would like to make an introduction about the whole K Foundation and their schools. Continue reading

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