Trusting the Natural Intelligence of Children
“Let’s Begin with a Moment of Silence.”
At Oak Grove School in Ojai, California, we often share moments of silence with our students, from preschool through 12th grade, as a whole community, in small groups, and individually. We begin, and sometimes end, assemblies, events, and meetings with silence. Silence is weaved through our learning and teaching practices, including academics, arts, and outdoor education. We trust children’s natural intelligence and believe that self-understanding is essential to the full expression of that intelligence. These things are at the core of our ethos as a school.
What is a Moment of Silence?
A moment of silence can be an act of remembrance, tribute, prayer, or compassion; it may be a form of meditation and mindfulness. Often, silence is found in relationship with nature, in deep academic attention, and in complex problem-solving.
A Practical & Important Practice
According to scientific research, silence can assist us to concentrate, be more creative, achieve a higher level of awareness, cultivate more patience, provide a sense of calm, and encourage a higher level of learning and productivity.
“…if I think back to my schooling at Oak Grove, silence speaks loudly to what Oak Grove tries to foster in its students. We were never really instructed on what to do with the silence. It was not time for prayer, although maybe some use it that way. It was not a time to “think about what you did.” Actually, it was more like ninja training than either of those. It cultivated our long-forgotten attention spans. The silence we held together worked. You didn’t have to believe anything for it to work, it still worked, in the sense that it honed our abilities to sit with ourselves, in a very practical way.”
— Juna Rosales Muller ’06
School Programs
Preschool through High School, Boarding, & Parent Ed
Admissions Process
The Wholeness of Responsibility
Our theme for the 2023-24 school year
Each year we choose a school theme as a way to frame our ongoing inquiry into the intent of the school as articulated by our founder, J Krishnamurti. The following is a short video based on this year’s theme, The Wholeness of Responsibility.
How Much is Too Much – Technology
Blog, Parent EducationAt what age should children have a Smartphone? Should an 11-year-old watch PG-13 movies? When is a good time to introduce video games (my child is begging to play!)? How much time in front of a screen is too much?
High School Mini Projects
Arts, Blog, NewsWhile the high school senior class is visiting our sister schools in India each year, the High School at Oak Grove dedicates two weeks to our “Mini Projects.” Teachers lead small groups of students through an in-depth learning experiment into a craft, skill, or concept that piques the curiosities of both teachers and students. Examples have included: screen printing, song writing, sewing, cooking, screenwriting, ornamental mending, and improv.
Podcast Interview with Jodi Grass
Blog, News, Parent Education, Parent PerspectiveIn Episode 23 “Education as a Vehicle for Social Change,” Founding Mothers Podcast host Emily Race and Head of School Jodi Grass discuss the freedom that Oak Grove’s teachers have to implement activities that foster personal and social growth, outdoor and travel experiences to prepare youth and parents for the transition to adulthood, how students can support their mental health, and the value of questioning one’s thoughts to develop compassion.