Why We Give

Tracy and Mark

Bellomo Warshaw Family

“Supporting Oak Grove is easily a priority for us because we have witnessed first hand its impact on our son, his classmates, and the student body; on personal development and critical thinking; on self-confidence, patience, and understanding.”

When we first began searching for a school for our young son, Easton, nearly a decade ago we were looking for a place that valued more than ABCs. A learning environment that nurtured creativity, curiosity, and connection with the natural world. A school that recognized each unique child in the collective whole. A safe place to thrive in knowledge and learning.

We found an overwhelming sense of wonder and peace among the oak trees. Our first year on campus, we would always say that we wished we had gone to school here. It’s something we hear echoed in conversation with other parents, as well. How might it have changed our lives? How might we have grown? What might we have understood about ourselves and the world we live in, had we experienced the influence of such a thoughtful, inquisitive, educational environment as children?

Supporting Oak Grove is easily a priority for us because we have witnessed first hand its impact on our son, his classmates, and the student body; on personal development and critical thinking; on self-confidence, patience, and understanding. Our experience here feels like more than we had hoped for. And more hope for all of us, as our children grow inward and outward into the world as active participants.

In a climate that feels increasingly divided and uncertain, a school like Oak Grove feels more important than ever. Our children are prepared with more than academic knowledge, but also the confidence, resilience, and compassion needed to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie beyond the shade of these trees.

Easton is now in 8th grade, and we realize how silly it was to lament that we didn’t get to go here, because we do! This experience is all of ours. We are wildly grateful to have partnered with this special group of teachers, parents and caregivers in our shared learning.

It’s our privilege to invest in the value of Oak Grove. We believe in its impact beyond the years of life we’re all navigating together.

We cherish it with love and gratitude.

Tracy Bellomo and Mark Warshaw

Recent Blog Posts:

Parent Education Unplug

Parent Ed – Unplugging in Pandemic Life

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If you were not able to join us for this timely Parent Education event, or would like to review, we have provided this recording of  parenting expert Dolly Klock's  special presentation on the challenge of finding a balance between screen life and real life. The recording includes attending parents' Q&A.
Annual Fundraising Tea

It’s Back to the 80’s for Unplug Day!

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To make Unplug Day more festive for our students and staff, we are embracing a theme – School Day in 1984. We invite our students to join our staff and dress as if it were the 1980's! Parent Council will add to our celebration by creating a “1984 Museum” in the Gazebo, where students will see items like VCRs, Reebok high-tops, cassette tapes, and rubix cubes.