Oak Grove School Alumni
Welcome to the Oak Grove Alumni page, a resource for all former students and staff to connect, stay in touch and support each other and the school.
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Recent Videos
A Light to Oneself, A Light to the World
Our theme for the 2024/25 school year
Each year we choose a school theme as a way to frame our ongoing inquiry into the intent of the school as articulated by our founder, J Krishnamurti. The following is a short video based on this year’s theme, “A Light to Oneself, A Light to the World,” produced for our Annual Fundraising Tea.
What’s New at Oak Grove
From the Alumni Lizard Blog

India Night – Class of 2025
Alum, Blog, Krishnamurti, News, Student PerspectiveThe Class of 2025 shares their experiences in India, a trip that exemplifies how Oak Grove students gradually travel further away on increasingly more challenging journeys.

A Run for Mayor
Alum, Blog, High School, News, Staff & FacultyOak Grove's current High School Social Studies teacher Andy Gilman, a long-standing community leader in Ojai, has won his candidacy for mayor of Ojai!

Alumni Profile: Eric Olsen ’12
Alum, BlogEric worked as a communications director and senior advisor on Capitol Hill before returning to California to join the USC Rossier School of Education.

Alumni Profile: Shannon Ross ’14
Alum, BlogAfter studying and traveling the world, she is back in Ojai and runs her company Springer, which develops innovative products for pets.

Alumni Profile: Malika Lindsay ’90
Alum, BlogMalika attended Oak Grove from 1984 to 1990 when she graduated as the school’s first Black student and first OGS class to travel to India. She currently lives in Mississippi, where she works as a college counselor and independent educational consultant.

Annual Report 2023-24
Alum, Blog, News, Parent Perspective, Staff & FacultyMore than just the financial numbers, our Annual Report is a magazine-style publication filled with stories, letters, news, and donor gratitude.

Change: An Oak Grove Documentary
Alum, Blog, Staff & Faculty, Student PerspectiveFor his senior Pathless Project, Surya Pulipati '24 made a short documentary about changes at Oak Grove School including interviews with former and current teachers and administrators.

High School Graduation 2024
Alum, Blog, News, Parent Perspective, Staff & Faculty, Student PerspectiveFamilies, staff, alumni, and friends gathered to commemorate the class of 2024. Enjoy video of the commencement ceremony and photos from the day.

Spring Alumni Gathering Photos
Alum, Blog, Events, News, Student PerspectiveA heartfelt thank you to all our former students, staff, and friends of Oak Grove who joined us at our 2024 Alumni Gathering on campus.

Alumni Profile: Kahdija Murray ’08
Alum, BlogCurrently living and working in Las Vegas, 2008 alumni Kahdija Murray is a visual artist and musician, who works under the alias Dija Ouija.

Alumni Visit & Lizard Talk
Alum, Blog, News, Student PerspectiveThis month we had the pleasure of hosting alumni Peter Hu ‘18 and Lewis Lu ‘19 during their stay in Ojai.

Remembering Mark Lee
Alum, Blog, Krishnamurti, News, Staff & FacultyThis Spring we sadly bid farewell to Roger Edwin Mark Lee, the Founding Director of our school and an ardent guardian of J. Krishnamurti’s legacy.