Alumni Profile:
Nikolette Huberman Jacob

Class of 2004, Oak Grove School Board Member

Alumni Huberman JacobNikolette Huberman Jacob began her Oak Grove journey in Preschool in 1993 and graduated in 2004; she is therefore a proud “lifer.” After graduation, she went on to Northeastern University in Boston, where she studied International Business with a dual con centration in Finance and Marketing and a minor in Spanish. During her time at Northeastern, she lived in Madrid, Spain, for a year where she studied at ICADE (Instituto Católico de Administración y Dirección de Empresas) for the first half and worked in corporate banking at Deutsche Bank for the second. Upon graduation, she moved to San Francisco for a position in Wells Fargo’s Commercial Banking Group as a Financial Analyst. After two years, she was sent to a six-month credit training program and subsequently promoted to be a Relationship Manager. In that role, she worked mostly with nonprofits and real estate investors, primarily lending them money so they could continue to run their businesses successfully.

After five years with Wells Fargo, Nikolette decided to truly focus on the two industries she had been working alongside by joining her family’s real estate investor/ developer firm, BLT Enterprises, and working on the real estate side, while also spearheading their initiative to found a nonprofit foundation. In 2020, Nikolette joined the Oak Grove School Board as the first alumni board member. Her primary involvement has been as Chair of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee. Aside from working and volunteering, Nikolette spends most of her time with her two-year-old daughter, Bennett, and husband, Coury, playing at the park, traveling, and fostering rescue dogs.

While the academic education was clearly an import ant aspect of her Oak Grove experience, Nikolette says the emotional and interpersonal education has been far more instrumental in her post-OGS life.

This alumni profile was featured in the 2023 Spring Annual Fundraising Tea program . 

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