Day of Reading, parade

Keep reading and learning, Novella!! “A book is a dream that you hold in your hands.” - N. Gaiman - Happy Day of Reading to Julien and the 3rd grade class! Jesse-It makes Diesel and me so happy that you enjoy and treasure books. Have a great Day of Reading. Love, Naner We are so proud of you Elsa and Ava! Have fun on your day of reading! Love, Auntie Z, Uncle B, Avery & Eloise We love supporting Oak Grove and all of the students! ♥️ Keep reading, Birdie! Sol, Reading is everywhere I love that you love reading! It has shaped your beautiful creative mind in a way that I am certain will inspire and bring joy to others in the future. You’re my favorite! Love mom. Go Isla and Finn!! Good luck everyone in meeting your goals! Wishing every OGS student a happy Day of Reading! Luca ⭐️ Reading is your superpower — it takes you on adventures, expands your imagination, improves your expression, and teaches you new words (and funny phrases) along the way! Keep turning pages, dreaming big and sharing the magic with others! Love, Mama Johnny Dean, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” - Dr. Seuss Your Friend Alicia Johnny Dean, I hope you always seek new adventures and new ideas. Luv, Yer Dad. Read, Jesse, Read!! Love, Aunt Susie ❤️ Clay, I‘m so happy that you are enjoying high school! "That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without your feet leaving the ground." Keep enjoying the journey! Love, Grammy Mateo, Wishing you many wonderful reading adventures! Love, Abuelito For Sol Bowden! Jiddu Krishnamurti wrote, “Intelligence is the capacity to think freely, without fear”¹. Education should “awaken the capacity to be creative”² and help students “see the false as false and the truth as truth”³. Reading opens minds, sparks inquiry, and reveals truth. Happy Day of Reading! May today’s stories inspire courage, curiosity, and clarity. Love you Johnny Bunny We love your passion of reading, Ava, and we love reading with you! XO mama & papa Johnny Dean, I hope you always seek new adventures and new ideas. Luv, Yer Dad. Hudson, So glad that you enjoy reading! It opens up whole new worlds! Love, Nana Lee Happy day of reading Hudson! Love Auntie Amanda We love seeing your joy of reading, Elsa! We are proud of you!! Love, Mama & Papa Dear Ian, We hope this day of reading inspires you to read a book to build your imagination and creativity. Love, Mama and Dada Johnny Dean, learning to read will open doors for you. Or at least it will help you to know which way to open them. — Uncle Jabe Dear Johnny, Keep up the good work. We love you so much. Love, Nana and Poppy Hello High School students, I am happy to support you and your efforts to raise funds for our wonderful school. Hi Ora Happy to help with your fundraising. Love Gigi and Pa Hi Jesse, Have a great day of reading in PJs! Johnny Dean! I absolutely love reading with you. You’re amazing. In honor of Johnny Crawford. Thank you. Dear Johnny, Keep up the good work. We love you so much. Love, Nana and Poppy My donation is in the name of Diego Scibetta This is for you Johnny! Enjoy your book, Miles! Love, Mom June we love you and you are an amazing reader! Duncan and Sheila Supporting Anna Scibetta my reading hero ❤️ This is for you Johnny! Mateo, Wishing you many wonderful reading adventures! Love, Abuelito

…scroll down for more donor comments!

A Wonderful Day of Reading!

Our annual student-led fundraiser celebrates the love of reading while raising funds for Teaching Tools and an Ojai nonprofit

On Friday, February 14, the Day of Reading, Oak Grove students, faculty, staff, and participating parenting adults came to school in their jammies, along with a favorite stuffed toy and a treasured book, for a day spent exploring the magic of words and pictures. There was a book swap by 6th grade, and lots of students reading with buddies.

Before then, students reached out to aunts, uncles, grandparents, family friends, and neighbors to sponsor them to read (or be read to) on February 14. Beyond fundraising, this was an opportunity for students to share about their favorite books and authors and have conversations about reading and books.

Day of Reading, reading together

Reading Together

On Friday, February 14, the Day of Reading, Oak Grove students, faculty, staff, and participating parenting adults came to school in their jammies, along with a favorite stuffed toy and a treasured book, for a day spent exploring the magic of words and pictures. There was a book swap by 6th grade, and lots of students reading with buddies.

Raising Funds for Teaching Tools

For the ten days leading up to our Day of Reading, students reached out to aunts, uncles, grandparents, family friends, and neighbors to sponsor them to read (or be read to) on February 14. Beyond fundraising, this was an opportunity for students to share their favorite books and authors and have conversations about reading and books.

This year, students raised money to support ‘Teaching Tools’ – a Parent Council fund that directly supports students and teachers by fulfilling special classroom requests for one-time asks – like new digital cameras, books for classroom libraries, playground equipment, and special field trips.

Day of Reading, students vote

Supporting OYES

One of the special Day of Reading traditions has been to share a portion of the proceeds with a local non-profit. This year, students voted to support OYES (Ojai Youth Entertainers Studio), a beloved non-profit organization dedicated to challenging, inspiring, educating, and entertaining children and families in the Ojai Valley through the experience of quality theatre, dance, and music! During our Day of Reading assembly OYES was presented with a check to the roar of an Oak Grove community full of children who have been part of the OYES family for many years

2025 Day of Reading Videos:

Day of Reading Is…

We Love Reading!

Photo Gallery:

Donations Comments

Hear some supportive comments from our online donors!

Clay! You’re having an amazing first year of High School, shred on! Love, Mom & Dad Way to gogo Jojo! We love how you love books - even if it means you don’t hear what we’re saying :) Keep smashing it girl! Happy Day of Reading, Charlie! We’re so tickled by your love of school and appetite for books. Bravo! Vuka! Feels like you have loved books since the day you were born. Whether it’s for learning or exploring, for entertainment, or just for fun, you have discovered a limitless way to enrich your spirit and your soul that I hope will never end. Love, Yaya Osk, seen your mom and dad since you‘re born, reading to you every night before bed, observing how smart you’re growing, we know you’re enlightening the World. Keep it up ! Go, Mica! Thanks for being exactly who you are. Keep reading 📖📚 - Love your Pops and Madre Dear Maxi, we‘re so happy you’re doing so well at Oak Grove. Magnolia, may books and reading always bring you as much joy as they do they do now! Love Mom + Dad Happy reading, Benjamin! Happy day of reading, Charlotte! Happy Day of Reading Poppy! Happy Reading Karthik Momo, you are such a great reader, and we are so proud of you. Xoxo Auntie Jenna and Uncle Bob I love you, Chandler! I love you, Kampbell! I love you, Harper! Happy Day of Reading!! We are so proud of you, Miyo! Momo, We’re so proud of you!! Love, Rachel, Aaron, Josie, Morgan , Sydney and Brooklyn

Yay, Aumara!!! We love you and keep up the good work, and thank you Bettina and Class!!! Dear Vuka, We are so proud of you and love your love for reading! Books are magical and can take you anywhere and beyond! Keep up the good work. We love you, Papa G & Roe Roe Vera, I am so glad you enjoy books. GF Goldie, Keep reading it can take you wonderful places. GF Clementine, I am so glad you enjoy books as much as I do. GF Ada I am happy you like books. Oma Oskar, may every page you turn open new worlds, spark your imagination, and inspire your dreams. Keep reading and never stop believing in the power of stories. Love Auntie J Go Maxi, keep up your love of books! Lots of love from Grandma and Grandpa. xx Magnolia, may books and reading always bring you as much joy as they do they do now! Love Mom + Dad Dahlia, Ultimo de estos!!! A ver que sigue:) “You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax all you need is a book!” – Dr. Seuss Happy reading, Ava. thank you for the good work you’re always doing to make the world a better place!!!! xoxoxo M&G Ian, Read on and make “Reading every day” a recurring theme for the rest of your life! With love Aunt Alice, Uncle Rob and Cousin Carter. Congratulations on your Day of Reading, Elsa, and the great goals you’re working towards! Love, M&G Happy reading day, Barkely girls! Love you all!! Benjamin and Charlotte, The more you read, the more you will know. Enjoy your magical day of reading. Grandma and Grandpa “The O’s” Amaya, I love that reading is one of your passion. Have fun on the Day of Reading! Love you, mom xx Pako, keep listening to so many audiobooks. That’s awesome! Love you, mom xx Jocie: Keep enjoying your reading adventures! Love you lots, Mom & Dad Always enjoy reading with you Bella ~ love mama and dada

We love you Poppy!! Remember… Books are wonderful! Grammy and Big Poppy We love you Zavi. Always remember that books are the window to the world. Grammy and Big Poppy In honor of Coco’s senior year—You are turning the page, but the love of reading is a story that never ends! Go Harper!!!! Hi Kampbell! Go Chandler!! wish we could be there to hang out in my pj’s and read with you all day!! Love, Grammy & Papa Yeah Gus! Alofa tele lava! Teine lei lei! Teine poto, Novella! We love you and are so proud of you...XOXO - Mama & Daddy Isla, One of my fondest wishes for you is that you will enjoy reading in your life as much as I have. Much love, Nana Olivia, “You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” -Dr. Seuss Enjoy Day of Reading 📖. Love from Pap and Nana. Always. Novella, we are so proud of you sweet girl!! Love you and hope to see you soon! uncle Jonny and aunty jenn Mikel and Stefan send much love and many books Dearest Miyo, We are so excited for you as you embark upon your lifelong reading journey. Love, Mama and Papa Novella, glad to help. Love uncle Brent Happy Reading Arya! Love you, Grandma Nora Arya Clift Eleanor Clift Looking forward to hearing about what you choose to read! Your grandma Nora Keep up the good work Nick! We love you Auntie Donna and Uncle Rob Happy Day of Reading Hudson m, 5th grade and all the wonder learners of Oak Grove School!! Papa and Bama love you a trillion Avalon Read On Sweet Girl! Enjoy the wonderful adventures reading will take you on Circe! Love Auntie Amanda Happy day of reading Hudson! Love Auntie Amanda To Hudson and your reading pals in the second grade! Have a wonderful day getting lost in magical stories. Love Auntie Nessa Jocie -- hope you have a wonderful Day of Reading! Love, Uncle Danny, Aunt Emma, Asha, and Kenzo Enjoy your day of reading Gus! We are so proud of you! Uncle Ryan, Auntie Tracy, Thira and Siana Way to go Rosario! Love, Grandma Beverly Keep Reading Oiallo! Love, Grandma and Grandpa Pagano Keep reading Legend! Love, Grandma Scott Go Diego! ❤️ In support of Anna’s love of reading ❤️ Keep on reading Vuka! Love Nana and Bebop!

“A book is a dream that you hold in your hands.” - N. Gaiman - Happy Day of Reading to Julien and the 3rd grade class! Jesse-It makes Diesel and me so happy that you enjoy and treasure books. Have a great Day of Reading. Love, Naner We are so proud of you Elsa and Ava! Have fun on your day of reading! Love, Auntie Z, Uncle B, Avery & Eloise We love supporting Oak Grove and all of the students! ♥️ Keep reading, Birdie! Sol, Reading is everywhere I love that you love reading! It has shaped your beautiful creative mind in a way that I am certain will inspire and bring joy to others in the future. You’re my favorite! Love mom. Go Isla and Finn!! Good luck everyone in meeting your goals! Wishing every OGS student a happy Day of Reading! Luca ⭐️ Reading is your superpower — it takes you on adventures, expands your imagination, improves your expression, and teaches you new words (and funny phrases) along the way! Keep turning pages, dreaming big and sharing the magic with others! Love, Mama Johnny Dean, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” - Dr. Seuss Your Friend Alicia Johnny Dean, I hope you always seek new adventures and new ideas. Luv, Yer Dad. Read, Jesse, Read!! Love, Aunt Susie ❤️ Clay, I‘m so happy that you are enjoying high school! "That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without your feet leaving the ground." Keep enjoying the journey! Love, Grammy Mateo, Wishing you many wonderful reading adventures! Love, Abuelito For Sol Bowden! Jiddu Krishnamurti wrote, “Intelligence is the capacity to think freely, without fear”¹. Education should “awaken the capacity to be creative”² and help students “see the false as false and the truth as truth”³. Reading opens minds, sparks inquiry, and reveals truth. Happy Day of Reading! May today’s stories inspire courage, curiosity, and clarity. Love you Johnny Bunny We love your passion of reading, Ava, and we love reading with you! XO mama & papa Johnny Dean, I hope you always seek new adventures and new ideas. Luv, Yer Dad. Hudson, So glad that you enjoy reading! It opens up whole new worlds! Love, Nana Lee Happy day of reading Hudson! Love Auntie Amanda We love seeing your joy of reading, Elsa! We are proud of you!! Love, Mama & Papa Dear Ian, We hope this day of reading inspires you to read a book to build your imagination and creativity. Love, Mama and Dada Johnny Dean, learning to read will open doors for you. Or at least it will help you to know which way to open them. — Uncle Jabe Dear Johnny, Keep up the good work. We love you so much. Love, Nana and Poppy Hello High School students, I am happy to support you and your efforts to raise funds for our wonderful school. Hi Ora Happy to help with your fundraising. Love Gigi and Pa Hi Jesse, Have a great day of reading in PJs! Johnny Dean! I absolutely love reading with you. You’re amazing. In honor of Johnny Crawford. Thank you. Dear Johnny, Keep up the good work. We love you so much. Love, Nana and Poppy My donation is in the name of Diego Scibetta This is for you Johnny! Enjoy your book, Miles! Love, Mom June we love you and you are an amazing reader! Duncan and Sheila Supporting Anna Scibetta my reading hero ❤️ This is for you Johnny! Mateo, Wishing you many wonderful reading adventures! Love, Abuelito

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