Lucy Pacheco

Administrative Assistant

How many years have you worked at Oak Grove?

Since 2021.

Why do you work at Oak Grove?

To participate in creating an oasis for students, parents, educators, and collaborators to inquire into truth, beauty, and consciousness.

A quote that inspires your approach to your job.

“When you are a light to yourself, you are a light to the world” —Krishnamurti

Where is your special spot on campus?

The Lost Meadow

Coffee or Tea?

Have you ever tried the dirty chai from the Farmer? A magical combination of these two nectars.

What makes an Oak Grove education unique?

The land. All the creatures. The people. The invitation to question, contemplate, and explore.

What outdoor experience has been most impactful for you?

Meditating in a timeless chamber of Machu Pichu in Peru, tucked away from the crowds.

The best live music performance/concert you ever attended is …

Aruna Sairam, the Carnatic Master-storyteller-grandmother-cultural ambasadress’ performance at the Ojai Music Festival sparked a quest to experience and investigate Classical Indian Arts.

Which teacher in your life affected you greatly? How?

My grandma Jo’s humble, generous, and charitable heart.

Name a place you’ve always wanted to visit, but haven’t yet.

The forests and mineral baths of Japan, the temples of Egypt & Greece.

What is your favorite Oak Grove expression?

Radical downtime :)