Serra Benson

Third Grade Teacher


B.A., Human Ecology, Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
College of the Atlantic & Antioch University
Teacher since 2002

How many years have you worked at Oak Grove?

Since 2011.

Why do you work at Oak Grove?

I love the philosophy of the school with its emphasis on relationships and self-inquiry.

A quote that inspires your approach to your job.

“Struggle and hard thinking are times when your brain grows the most.”

Where is your special spot on campus?

Turtle Rock in the Oak Grove.

Coffee or Tea?


What makes an Oak Grove education unique?

Students are valued for who they are as individuals, not by how they can compete with others.

How do we prepare students for their life ahead?

Students learn how to communicate effectively, solve problems, and take care of the world around them.

What outdoor experience has been most impactful for you?


The best live music performance/concert you ever attended is …


Which teacher in your life affected you greatly? How?

My High School History teacher at OGS, Lee Nicholes. He really gave us space to learn about ourselves and our relationships as peers.

Name something that nobody knows about you.

I’m afraid of conflict.

Person (dead or alive, famous or not) that you’d most like to share a meal with.

Cesar Milan.

Name a place you’ve always wanted to visit, but haven’t yet.


What is your most bizarre OGS experience?

Once my students were all convinced that a mountain lion had run under the log they were sitting on in the oak grove.

Share a hilarious OGS experience.

Once while I was teaching, I noticed that one of the girls had a pair of her mom’s thong underwear stuck with static inside her hoodie. Not wanting to embarrass her, I asked her to step outside the room to let her know. She thought it was hilarious and immediately started showing all the kids in the class, including all of the boys.

Favorite Oak Grove expression?

Use an “I-message.”