Fourth Grade Field Trip to Santa Cruz Island

This December Oak Grove School’s fourth-grade students embarked on their big field trip of the school year: a visit to Santa Cruz Island, the largest of the Channel Islands.
As with other field trips and extended travel by students and teachers across all grade levels, the fourth-grade trip to Santa Cruz Island exemplifies Oak Grove’s commitment to the Arts of Living and Learning. By integrating literature, history, geography, art, and science, this experience of visiting the Channel Islands helps students to build a deeper understanding of the world around them. The field trip builds upon classroom concepts and fosters curiosity, environmental stewardship, and a sense of connection to the natural world.
The full-day trip is a culmination of an integrated curricular unit that connects classroom learning with real-world experiences.
Our fourth-grade students build upon their third-grade study of Chumash history and culture with a broader exploration of California’s history. In the weeks leading up to the field trip to the Channel Islands National Park, students participated in activities designed to engage and prepare them for the unique experience of visiting Santa Cruz Island. This included:
Literature: By reading Island of the Blue Dolphins, a children’s novel based on the true story of a Native Californian girl who was stranded on nearby San Nicolas Island for 18 years, students gained an understanding of life on the Channel Islands through the eyes of its protagonist, Karana.
History and Science: The study of California history was enriched with studies of flora and fauna, as students learned about the ecosystems they would encounter on the island.
Interactive Learning: A visit to the Channel Islands National Park Museum allowed students to earn their Junior Ranger badges while exploring exhibits on the plants, animals, and history of the five islands that make up the national park.
Hands-On Exploration: Students created small ecosystems in terrariums, giving them a foundational understanding of the interconnectedness of living organisms.
The field trip itself provided students with an opportunity to experience the natural world in an impactful way. This already began on the boat ride to and from the island, during which students were lucky enough to encounter wildlife such as sea lions, bottlenose dolphins, and humpback whales. Once ashore, students explored the island with the guidance of their experienced naturalist, Andrea.
Interactive Activities: Students participated in a game called “How Did the Animals Get Here?” that sparked curiosity about the natural history of the islands.
Exploring Nature: Students embarked on a guided hike and learned about life on the island before human habitation, observing how plants, animals, and early people adapted to the unique environment.
Quiet Reflection: A short meditation called “Island Time” encouraged students to reflect on the environment around them.
After returning to school, students reflected on their experiences through creative expression, including painted scenes in watercolor that were inspired by the island’s landscapes and the wildlife they observed; short reflective essays articulating what students learned and how the trip impacted them; and practising gratitude by writing thank you notes to Andrea, their knowledgeable and engaging guide, to express appreciation for her role in making the trip memorable.
The visitor center features a bookstore, a display of marine aquatic life, and exhibits featuring the unique character of each park island.
1901 Spinnaker Drive
Ventura, CA 93001
(805) 658-5730
Island Packers is the official boat concessionaire for the Channel Islands National Park.