Oak Grove Inquirer, Spring 2024

Flip through the thirteenth edition of The Oak Grove Inquirer.

Student articles, essays, and opinion pieces include submissions on food production, our environment, local restaurants, school sports, rocket launches, and more. Find poetry and art from across all grade levels and enjoy student riddles and games!

Recent Blog Posts:

Third Graders make Acorn Pancakes

Third Graders Make Acorn Pancakes

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As part of their recent social studies project, learning about the Chumash people of this area, our third grade students made acorn pancakes with former Oak Grove Director, teacher, and current Board member Karen Hesli.
Annual Fundraising Tea Video

Annual Fundraising Tea 2023

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Watch the full Annual Fundraising Tea event including a musical performance and speakers, all reflecting on our theme for the year.
Lizard Talk with Emily Scibetta

Lizard Talk with Dr. Emily Scibetta

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During her Lizard Talk, Emily shared her professional journey in medicine with our high school students and faculty.