Oak Grove Inquirer, Spring 2024

Flip through the thirteenth edition of The Oak Grove Inquirer.

Student articles, essays, and opinion pieces include submissions on food production, our environment, local restaurants, school sports, rocket launches, and more. Find poetry and art from across all grade levels and enjoy student riddles and games!

Recent Blog Posts:


Alumni Profile: Genevieve Sky Waltcher ’05

Alumni Genevieve Sky Waltcher reflects in her brief bio: "Oak Grove was more than a school; it was a family and a sanctuary to learn to be."
Peace Day, Our Shared Garden of Responsibility

Peace Day 2023

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At Oak Grove, we acknowledged World Peace Day with a week-long exploration into the notion of peace. Throughout campus, we celebrated Peace Week within the classroom curriculum, through the construction of a collaborative art installation titled “Our Garden of Responsibility.”
Community of Learners, Back to School Night

Community of Learning

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The Stanford psychologist, Carol Dweck said: “If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning.” How can we extend this philosophy to our larger learning community of teachers, coaches, and staff members?