Why I Give

With Love & Appreciation

by Dana Ullerich

“For me, donations to Oak Grove are more than just a financial contribution; they are an investment in a brighter, more thoughtful future.”

Two years ago, I made an investment in my children’s future. I followed my intuition and moved my family to Ojai so my two school-aged sons could go to Oak Grove. I knew they needed the kind of support in growing into themselves that only Oak Grove could give.

Every day, as I watch my children thrive, I am reminded of why I made this choice. Oak Grove isn’t just a school; it’s a nurturing environment and community where every child is encouraged to explore their potential. The wonder in my boys’ eyes, the curiosity in their questions, and the confidence in their actions reaffirm my decision daily.

Witnessing my children transform and expand since joining Oak Grove has inspired me to give back, ensuring that this sanctuary of learning and growth remains available for future generations. For me, donations to Oak Grove are more than just a financial contribution; they are an investment in a brighter, more thoughtful future. It’s about fostering a new generation of thinkers who will courageously address the challenges of our world with empathy and innovation. It’s also an expression of my love and appreciation for a community that welcomed us with open arms and has stood by us through successes and challenges.

Supporting Oak Grove is my way of ensuring that this incredible community continues to thrive. It’s my way of saying thank you for the joy and growth it brings to my children and to all those who pass through its doors and wander its oak-covered paths.

Recent Blog Posts:

Community of Learners, Back to School Night

Community of Learning

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The Stanford psychologist, Carol Dweck said: “If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning.” How can we extend this philosophy to our larger learning community of teachers, coaches, and staff members?

Alumni Profile: Quinn Latimer ’96

My time at Oak Grove was brief, just the last two years of high school, but I think its emphasis on living in coexistence with what we often call the natural world really impressed itself on me, as well as the school's sense, received from Krishnamurti, of a more international and philosophical sense of being in and with the world.
Fall Camping Trip

Fall Camping Trips

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Our Fall camping trips are designed to bring the High School (9th-12th) and the Middle School (6th-8th grade) together early in the year to orient and integrate new and returning students and teachers.