Opening your doors and welcoming guests can be a lot of work. Especially when your home is a massive 150-acre campus and the guest list numbers in the hundreds. Luckily, there were many helping hands to make this year’s Open House and All-School Showcase a smashing success.
In preparation for welcoming all of our current students and families, in addition to alumni and hundreds of community members to campus, our high school held its first Service Day of the year. How much work can 53 industrious teenagers get done in a day? Turns out – quite a bit! Hours spent washing windows, spreading mulch, cleaning classrooms, rearranging furniture, and raking paths resulted in a sparkling campus that was prepared to welcome the whole neighborhood.
The next day was full of sun and smiles, as nearly 500 guests arrived for the annual Open House & All School Showcase. It was a beautiful day to celebrate the work of our students, the work of our teachers, and our community as a whole.
Service learning is a requirement for our high school students, and opportunities to log hours vary from community service projects with partner organizations, like a recent tree-planting day with MESA, to time spent at school working to beautify our campus.