Spring Alumni Gathering 2024

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A heartfelt thank you to all our former students, staff, and friends of Oak Grove who joined us at our 2024 Alumni Gathering on campus. It was a truly special day filled with reconnection, reminiscing, and reliving memories.

Once a lizard, always a lizard!

Recent Blog Posts:

Alumni Profile: Dr. Jayson Waters ’10

Dr Jayson Waters graduated from Oak Grove in 2010. Originally from Australia, he attended the school as a boarder on a scholarship program funded by the American, British, and Australian Krishnamurti Foundations. He shares his Oak Grove story and talks about his work in Quantum Meta-Ethics at the University of Sydney.

Alumni Profile: Genevieve Sky Waltcher ’05

Alumni Genevieve Sky Waltcher reflects in her brief bio: "Oak Grove was more than a school; it was a family and a sanctuary to learn to be."
Peace Day, Our Shared Garden of Responsibility

Peace Day 2023

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At Oak Grove, we acknowledged World Peace Day with a week-long exploration into the notion of peace. Throughout campus, we celebrated Peace Week within the classroom curriculum, through the construction of a collaborative art installation titled “Our Garden of Responsibility.”