Violet's Tea Poem

Violet’s Tea Poem

Each year, our senior class participates in the Annual Fundraising Tea, participating in set up, food service, and as speakers. Violet McMurray ’25, a student passionate about writing and horse riding. shared the following poem during this year’s tea.

Click here to watch a video of the full event including Violet’s reading of her poem.

At first we were all just a collection
Of glowing yellow abdomens drifting across a darker background
I was soft and small once-
A tangle of twisting blonde hair
Dancing to old vinyl and birthday candles
Flickering across silk spread frosting
Swaying their fiery hips
to the rhythm of my breathing
I wished for simple things so simple
Only a little girl could wish them

Growing out of innocent unknown
We become keenly aware of that dark background
Only to look closely and see it isn’t
Just dark like I thought it was
Mom cries sometimes too
Suddenly I am not just being held
I am holding
Soup and bedtime stories passed down generations
Her light did not become mine but together we are brighter
Candle-dipped fingertips and cranberry cheeks chipped from smiling

We needed the fragile oblivion of childhood
To bring us to this moment
To feel so singular-
To be just that one song and a set of careless footsteps
So that one day that little girl could remain

Brimming with light from within
Now I am ready to appear in this beautiful asphodel
Looking out over its endless fields
I watch her
Wearing a dress sewn out of wildflowers
Laughing and darting and ducking between its blades
A light to the world.

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