High School Graduates throw their caps

Oak Grove High School Graduation 2023

Oak Grove School celebrated its 12 seniors last week for High School Graduation. During their commencement ceremony, which took place in the beloved oak-bordered Pavilion on the Oak Grove campus on June 9th, students, teachers, parents, caregivers, and the wider community gathered to commemorate the class of 2023. Also in attendance were many alumni who often return to campus to welcome their dear friends and former classmates, as fellow graduates.

The ceremony began with the class performing a heart-warming and playful rendition of Bill Withers’ Lean on Me. Following their performance, Head of School Jodi Grass welcomed everyone with a moment of silence, in which Jodi invited all in attendance “to fully arrive” and “possibly make space for the immeasurable.” As students, faculty, and attendees settled in, a quiet morning breeze accented familiar birdsongs, along with a flyover by Lucky, the resident red-tail hawk.

Director of High School Russ Bowan then introduced the Class of 2023 to loud applause, followed by Jodi addressing parents, caregivers, and students. Each student then shared their experience of Oak Grove School in a graduation speech, including highlights and treasured memories. Students expressed their gratitude to their families, friends, fellow seniors, and teachers with deep sincerity, intelligence, humor, and vulnerability. Laughter and tears were shared by all.

After hearing from students, class advisor Sydney Robertson read the name of each graduate, inviting them to stand and receive their Oak Grove High School diplomas. The ceremony culminated in a burst of excitement as graduation caps were thrown in the air.

What’s next for the Class of 2023?

While several graduates will take a gap year to travel and explore personal projects, in total the Class of 2023 achieved an average of six university acceptances, with six of the nine seniors being accepted to one of their top three schools, including Babson College and Boston University in Massachusetts; New York University and Parsons School of Design in New York; Pitzer College in Claremont, California; and the University of Oxford in the UK.

The Oak Grove Class of 2023 and plans for the coming year are:

Makel Aglietti (Gap Year/Internship New York); Ananya Badami (New York University); Marie Bernhardt (Germany); Sofia Burke (New York University); Siya Dahanukar (Boston University); Carter Davis (Pitzer College); Ben Herring (Parsons School of Design); Mary Huo (Babson College); Sara Kalmenson-Sharp (Acting, Los Angeles); Aryssa Pujia (Gap Year); Marcus Romey (Pitzer College); and Noah Schrewe (University of Oxford).

High School Graduation Speeches:

Graduation Ceremony Photo Gallery:

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