Middle School Sports

This Fall, Oak Grove kicked off our newly revamped Middle School Sports Program with abbreviated seasons in Volleyball and Flag Football. Later this year students will participate in basketball and soccer, as well as sessions in hiking, yoga, and pump track biking. The program is designed to give students an opportunity to explore what it means to be part of a team, to push themselves in pursuit of physical excellence, and to learn respect for their opponents, teammates, and the game itself.

Flag Football Video

Below is a highlight video from a recent flag football game versus Villanova Preparatory School.

Middle School Sports Photos

Recent Blog Posts:

Benjamin Mertz

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Oak Grove is thrilled to support an on-campus residency with Benjamin Mertz, composer, performer, and song leader who specializes in music of the Black Spiritual tradition.

Emergent Curriculum

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“Emergent Curriculum,” is just what it sounds like. Teachers observe and listen to children for insight into their interests and hypotheses.

The Annual Senior Trip

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Interacting with the greater Krishnamurti community, immersing themselves in a different culture, and making new friends at their sister schools are three of the intentions of Oak Grove’s annual senior trip to India.