Middle School Sports

This Fall, Oak Grove kicked off our newly revamped Middle School Sports Program with abbreviated seasons in Volleyball and Flag Football. Later this year students will participate in basketball and soccer, as well as sessions in hiking, yoga, and pump track biking. The program is designed to give students an opportunity to explore what it means to be part of a team, to push themselves in pursuit of physical excellence, and to learn respect for their opponents, teammates, and the game itself.

Flag Football Video

Below is a highlight video from a recent flag football game versus Villanova Preparatory School.

Middle School Sports Photos

Recent Blog Posts:

High School Student Grades

High School Student Grades

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Oak Grove’s high school students are obsessing over homework, class participation, tests, and how these will affect student grades. Even during remote learning, where our circumstances are incredibly different, students’ mindsets have remained the same.

Helping Others

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To ease any health concerns about returning to campus following the Thomas Fire, please read the following update on our post-fire campus cleaning efforts.

Staff Commitment

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April 19, 2020 Jodi Grass, Head of School I have been visiting the classrooms (virtually, of course) to see the faces of our students and to answer their questions. Some questions have been personal in nature, “What is the name of that cat…