A New School Year Begins!

After a busy summer of campus projects, several weeks of teacher in-service, and a community work day last Saturday on campus, today was students’ official first day of school!

There were hops and skips and hugs and high-fives all around as we said hello to our returning students and welcomed our new incoming students.

It’s great to see our campus come alive again with our Oak Grove families’ energy, and we’re beyond excited to get this new school year started.

Recent Blog Posts

DOR Vote

Day of Reading Votes OYES

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Ahead of this year’s Day of Reading launch, Oak Grove students voted to support the local non-profit Ojai Youth Entertainers Studio (OYES).
MLK Day 2025

MLK Day 2025

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Oak Grove’s Martin Luther King, Jr. all-school assembly, Lizard Group activities, and celebration in downtown Ojai provided thoughtful moments for our community to reflect on the values Dr. King championed: unity, progress, and shared responsibility.

Oak Grove Inquirer, Winter Edition!

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Student articles, essays, and opinion pieces include submissions on local government, the environment, local theater, sports, science, and more. Find poetry and artwork from across all grade levels and enjoy student riddles and games!