A New School Year Begins!

After a busy summer of campus projects, several weeks of teacher in-service, and a community work day last Saturday on campus, today was students’ official first day of school!

There were hops and skips and hugs and high-fives all around as we said hello to our returning students and welcomed our new incoming students.

It’s great to see our campus come alive again with our Oak Grove families’ energy, and we’re beyond excited to get this new school year started.

Recent Blog Posts

Sweet to Savory

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Oak Grove's Head Chef, Julia San Bartolome, reflects on her decision to join the school and the delectable role food plays for the community.

Revisiting J. Krishnamurti

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The June 2022 issue of India's respected magazine, Education World, dives into the importance and relevance of Krishnamurti's teachings and his global impact on school students and adults alike. 
Alumni Molly

Alumni Parent Profile: Molly Smith ’98

“It has been a dream to have Isla go to Oak Grove and a little surreal returning as a parent. Oak Grove was like my second home,”