A New School Year Begins!

After a busy summer of campus projects, several weeks of teacher in-service, and a community work day last Saturday on campus, today was students’ official first day of school!

There were hops and skips and hugs and high-fives all around as we said hello to our returning students and welcomed our new incoming students.

It’s great to see our campus come alive again with our Oak Grove families’ energy, and we’re beyond excited to get this new school year started.

Recent Blog Posts

Lizard Talk – Porfirio Gutiérrez

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About once a month, our high school students attend a Lizard Talk, where a guest speaker presents and shares knowledge on their subject of expertise.

Open House 2022

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Thank you for being here with us.

Communicating with Children

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By Will Hornblower Across the Oak Grove campus, parents and staff have been discussing strategies to improve the way that adults connect and communicate with children. Over the course of three workshops, we brainstormed ways to help students…