Entries by Ollie


Alumni Profile: Quinn Latimer ’96

My time at Oak Grove was brief, just the last two years of high school, but I think its emphasis on living in coexistence with what we often call the natural world really impressed itself on me, as well as the school’s sense, received from Krishnamurti, of a more international and philosophical sense of being in and with the world.

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Fall Camping Trips

Our Fall camping trips are designed to bring the High School (9th-12th) and the Middle School (6th-8th grade) together early in the year to orient and integrate new and returning students and teachers.

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Lizard Talks: Geetha Waters

For our first Lizard Talks series of the year, we welcomed Geetha Waters. Geetha, parent of Oak Grove School alum Jayson Waters ’10, is an educator and writer, who facilitates programs at the Krishnamurti Study Centre in Summer Hill, Australia.


A New School Year Begins!

Today was our first day of school! There were hops and skips, and hugs and high-fives all around as we said hello to our returning students and welcomed our new incoming students.