Oak Grove Students Bringing the News

The United States is inundated with news from all channels, so why should one more newspaper warrant our attention? Because this news is coming from the high school students of Oak Grove, and they’re sharing the reflections and concerns of their generation and discussing the issues and challenges that they will continue to tackle when they graduate.

The Oak Grove Inquirer publishes twice annually and is currently led by sophomore student Alula Alderson as Editor and senior student Parker C. as Art Editor, along with the support of several Oak Grove staff members. It includes artwork, poetry, and numerous articles from the high school student body. Along with High School Showcase and Open House, the newspaper is one of the most effective outlets the students have for sharing their passions, expressing their artistic visions, and guiding community conversations. Previous editions have included articles on wildlife conservation, outrage at capital punishment, the importance of community organizing, and thoughtful meditations on religion. 

For students, the newspaper is a great way to engage with peers on important topics and to find a communal voice for change, as well as to develop their own individual voices. For those of us well past our high school years, it is a great opportunity to read about the ideas and goals that we will have the opportunity to support.

Take a copy when you see one and hear the news!

The Oak Grove Inquirer team: Alula A., Editor; Parker C., Art Editor
Staff Support: Jodi Grass, Warren Petersen, Erin Bennett, Aaron Gardner