Unconditioning and Education
The Krishnamurti Foundation of America’s 2021 annual May Gathering was presented remotely this year. In this video, Gianni Garubo speaks on Unconditioning and Education, followed by a Q&A with David Moody, Mary Kelley, Kristy Lee, and Gianni Garubo.
There is this fact of disorder. There is no doubt about it; it is an actual fact. The traditional approach to this fact is to analyze it, to try to discover the cause of it and overcome the cause, or else to invent its opposite and battle towards that. This is the traditional approach with its disciplines, drills, controls, suppressions, sublimations. Man has done this for thousands upon thousands of years; it has led nowhere. Can we abandon this approach completely and look at the problem entirely differently – that is, not try to go beyond it, or resolve it, or overcome it, or escape from it? Can the mind do this?
— Krishnamurti, The Urgency of Change