News, Articles, & Updates from different perspectives.

Sixth grade field trip Matilija Dam

6th grade students visit Matilija Dam, with Once Upon a Watershed, to learn about the atmosphere, water, and the cycles that happen on earth and how everything is connected.

Meet our latest alum, Erik Huberman, who graduated from Oak Grove School in 2004 and currently runs marketing firm Hawke Media in Los Angeles.

While the high school senior class is visiting our sister schools in India each year, the High School at Oak Grove dedicates two weeks to our “Mini Projects.” Teachers lead small groups of students through an in-depth learning experiment into a craft, skill, or concept that piques the curiosities of both teachers and students.

Middle shool students picked persimmons during a Fall visit to Poco Farm and  learned about Hoshigaki, a Japanese method for drying them.

Aimee Kelley graduated from Oak Grove in 1996 and now lives in Paris, France, with her husband and two children. She shares her Oak Grove memories.

Student Newspaper, Oak Grove Inquirer, Winter 2023

Before Winter Break, student editor and high school senior, Surya, visited classrooms to deliver the latest edition of The Oak Grove Inquirer.

Parent Ed meeting explores Artificial Intelligence

During a recent Parent Education meeting, we had the opportunity to delve into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and its implications for education and our children’s future.

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