News, Articles, & Updates from different perspectives.

Mark Lee Memorial

This Spring we sadly bid farewell to Roger Edwin Mark Lee, the Founding Director of our school and an ardent guardian of J. Krishnamurti’s legacy.

Lizard Talk

Lizard Talks take place throughout the year and are an opportunity for professional adults from within and without our community to share their expertise with High School students.

Unplug Day 70's flashback

Unplug Day is an opportunity for us to demonstrate unplugging for our students and challenge ourselves to focus more on the present moment. This year, we celebrated our Unplug Day by dressing in our theme of the 1970s – a time when much of our current technology was not yet available. There were bell bottoms, oversized sunglasses, and flower power galore.

Mary Poppins 2024

Oak Grove Theater Team, student performers, crew members, and parent volunteers, produced four rousing performances of Mary Poppins!

Senior Trip to India 2024

The Class of 2024 shares their experiences in India, a trip that exemplifies how Oak Grove students gradually travel further away on increasingly more challenging journeys.

The 11th grade “Controversial Speech” is a capstone project in our High School. Students are tasked with studying rhetoric, analyzing historical speeches, drafting persuasive arguments, and researching opposing material.

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