News, Articles, & Updates from different perspectives.

We Can Do It sign

In this Oak Grove School update, Head of School Jodi Grass explains how, as of this year, Oak Grove is 49 years old and is showing all the signs of a healthy middle adulthood.

Jodi Peace Day 2024

We acknowledge Peace Day with a week-long exploration into the notion of peace and culminating in a Peace Day assembly and Lizard Group fun.

Letters of intent are communications that teachers write to families at the beginning of the school year which share their beliefs about children’s competence, identify key concepts that children will be learning, and reflect on the local and global community.

Age & Stage Booklet

Oak Grove School’s Age & Stage Booklet provides a snapshot of child development recognizing that development unfolds in separate, predictable stages and is a measure of individuality, not conformity.

Parent Why I Give

“For me, donations to Oak Grove are more than just a financial contribution; they are an investment in a brighter, more thoughtful future.”

Student Environmental Steardship

Oak Grove senior Arianna M. was recognized for her environmental stewardship and dedication to protecting public health in Ventura County.

Our campus became alive with excitement today as we said hello to our returning students and warmly welcomed the new faces joining us this year.

In this VC Star article, Head of School Jodi Grass addresses supporting our children during a stressful presidential election.

Leadership Retreat 2024

The summer Leadership Retreat is vital to our team’s ability to lead in a meaningful, heartfelt, and capable way that is centered on our students.

Annual Report 2023-24

More than just the financial numbers, our Annual Report is a magazine-style publication filled with stories, letters, news, and donor gratitude.